Stuart T. Montgomery
(972) 345-7273
Mountain View, CA
Apple Inc., Cupertino, CA
Core Build Technologies Engineer – June 2012 - Present
- Contributed features and bug fixes to Apple's build system.
- Designed and developed command-line interface for submission queue system in Objective-C, including implementation of web service API client, automated unit testing, and advertisement to stakeholders via a screencast video.
- Revamped software signing app for iOS 7, including cleanup and modernization of Objective-C codebase, adoption of latest APIs and UI paradigms, and new icon design.
- Developed Rails web app allowing engineers to view and modify build settings directly, replacing a manual request process.
- Wrote 11 Ruby gems, including two for communicating with web services and another for obtaining Kerberos credentials (involving a native C extension).
- Established Jenkins continuous integration system for automated testing, and migrated 200+ projects from Subversion to Git.
- Contributed features to Cocoa app for monitoring builds, and implemented several APIs in an underlying OS X framework.
Embedded Build Engineer – July 2010 - June 2012
- Led build efforts for iOS 5 (DRI), drove the compilation process 2-3 times each week, and worked with outside teams to troubleshoot issues.
- Proactively refactored mastering configuration system using templates to accomodate more devices, replacing 90% of code and reducing opportunity for human error.
- Mentored new members of the team and wrote documentation.
Software Engineering Intern – May 2009 - July 2010
- Developed app for managing an individual's notifications from Apple's build system.
- Designed app architecture, including a Rails front-end, background event processor, and basic iOS app for receiving Push Notifications.
BorgSolutions Inc., Austin, TX
Software Engineering Intern – June 2008 - January 2009
- Improved and tested the company’s web-based GPS fleet management product.
- Developed test case management app using Rails and Selenium.
University of Texas Learning Center, Austin, TX
Math & Computer Sciences Tutor – January 2008 - May 2008
- Tutored dozens of students in Calculus & Computer Science courses.
- Attained Intermediate-level certification from the CRLA.
Apple Store Willow Bend, Plano, TX
Mac Specialist – July 2006 - December 2006
- Sold Macs & iPods, assisted customers with problems, and conducted training sessions.
Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, The University of Texas at Austin.
Graduated May 2010 with Honors. GPA 3.8/4.0.
University Honors Spring & Fall '07, Fall '08, Spring '09.
- Languages Ruby, Objective-C, Bash, Perl, JavaScript, Coffeescript, C, PHP, Java.
- Web Development HTML, CSS, Sass, Ruby on Rails, Sinatra, REST, JSON, jQuery.
- Databases SQLite, PostgreSQL, MongoDB.
- Testing Jenkins, RSpec, Jasmine, Test::More, PhantomJS, XCTest.
- Tools Bash, Git, Subversion, TextMate, SublimeText, Xcode, Make, Rake, YARD, Capistrano, Puppet, Chef, Photoshop, iWork, iLife.
git-lab CLI Command-line utility for working with GitLab repositories, with shell autocompletion and OS X Keychain integration.
iSieve Cocoa app for viewing & modifying email filtering rules using Sieve.
Documentation server Web app for automatically generating documentation for team's Ruby, Objective-C, and Perl APIs.
Directory watcher Linux daemon implementing
APIs to monitor a file system directory and launch another process whenever files are added.FortuneBall iOS game Version of the classic Magic 8 Ball toy for iPhone allowing custom responses.
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